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  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 广东省 佛山市 顺德区 佛山市顺德区大良南国西路
  • 姓名: 刘先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



       公司拥有高素质的研发及质量控制团队,为产品的每一个细节**较优良的设计及**的品质**。目前,公司主要提供电暖设备(多功能烘干机:如暖风机、烘机、干衣机、暖床机、烘鞋机等室内加热器)与环境控制设备(如:空调扇、水冷扇、冷气机、水冷电风扇、冷风扇等)产品。所有产品均通过3C、CB、UL、GS及CSA 认证,川江科技已经在**建立了完善的销售及服务体系,在中国拥有几百家销售终端,数千家售后服务网点。产品**全国大江南北并同时销往美国、巴西、智利、韩国、马来西亚、印度、菲律宾、泰国、印尼、越南、老挝、日本;阿联酋、沙特、伊拉克、伊朗、俄罗斯等三十多个地区和地区。“CJRIVERS”已成为冷风扇行业性价比高的**,为国内外众多消费者所喜爱。更为**节能,环境保护做出**的贡献。公司配备完善的多条生产设备及检测试验设备可确保年的生产能力达50万台。
       公司创建人经过二十余年的探索与实践,厚积而薄发,成立了本公司。“社会责任”是公司的核心理念,就产品而言,公司不仅以“高”、“新”、“奇”或 “高颜值”为特色,更重要的是每个产品及细节都会倾注本公司的理念,体现实实在在的社会责任。公司全体同仁热诚欢迎各界人士前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。电话
         Foshan CJ Rivers Science & Technology Co. Ltd is located in beautiful and rich Shunde district Guangdong province, which is called Chinese household electrical appliances capital, and it was founded in 2015. Our company is a modern owned enterprise, integrating researching and developing, producing and selling, all operations are in accordance with ISO9001 quality management system.
        The company has a highly qualified R&D dept and experienced quality controlling team, which can make excellent design for every product and it’s detail, and provide reliable quality assurance. At present, we supply mainly the heating appliance and environment control appliances, such as dryer, air cooler and so on. All of our products, they have been certified through 3C, UL、CB,CSA and etc, and selling at home and abroad. The company is equipped with perfect production facilities and exacted testing instruments, which offer cast-iron guarantees to make the annual production capacity is up to 500 thousand sets
         Through more than twenty years of exploration and practice, the founder established the company with his action that  favor accumulation than usage, Sense of social responsibility is the company’s cultural value and spirit. As far as products concerning, we don’t intend to characterized by newly, wonderful and especially appearance design, it is more important for every unit and it’s detail to be devoted with the fore mentioned enterprise spirit, and show the real social responsibility there from instead. 
    We warmly and sincerely welcome clients to negotiate, cooperate and develop with us together.

    主要市场 全国
    经营范围 公司主要经营取暖器,广东烘干机,广东干燥机,佛山烘鞋机,广东暖床机, 取暖器,广东烘干机,广东干燥机,佛山烘鞋机,广东暖床机.空调扇,冷风扇,水冷扇,冷风机


    企业经济性质: 个体经营 法人代表或负责人: 刘生
    企业类型: 经销批发 公司注册地: 24
    注册资金: 人民币 100 - 250 万元 成立时间: 2015
    员工人数: 51 - 100 人 月产量: 1
    年营业额: 人民币 250 - 500 万元 年出口额: 人民币 50 万元以下
    管理体系认证: 其他 主要经营地点: 佛山市顺德区大良南国西路
    主要客户: 相关企业 厂房面积: 100
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行: 中国农业银行股份有限公司顺德金斗支行
    银行帐号: 44469301040004919
    主要市场: 全国
    主营产品或服务: 取暖器,广东烘干机,广东干燥机,佛山烘鞋机,广东暖床机.空调扇,冷风扇,水冷扇,冷风机